
Our experience and understanding of logistics operations and functional security, together with a risk assessment process devoted to objective measurement creates value and an identifiable return on investment.

Our specialist experience and understanding of the various risks enables us to provide creative solutions for a variety of risks associated with high-technical and high-value products in the global supply chain.

In addition, we have experience working within the Asian ‘dragon’ economies, translating operational experience into realistic and obtainable standards for transport and distribution services. Experiences in South America and Africa have enabled a number of firms to better manage their risks, obtain better efficiencies and ultimately increase profitability over the long term.

Our assessments and consultancy lend to more efficient and secure logistics and supply chains, often resulting in reduced losses and greater economies of scale.

Our relationships with Lloyd’s of London underwriters and international insurance companies assist in developing risk transfer and mitigation programs for addressing a wide range of logistics risk profiles.

Services include but are not limited to:

  • Risk Assessments of point to point delivery of equipment, spare parts, supplies and product
  • Risk assessments and consultancy of operations and logistics supply chains in remote regions
  • Compliance with international and local standards
  • Physical Security Inspections
  • Policy and Procedures Review
  • Loss Investigations
  • Training and Management Development